BISMILLAH IR RAHMAN IR RAHEEM THE ATTEMPTS ON THE PROPHET'S LIFE& HIS DEATH praise and veneration be upon him Copyrighted by Khadeijah Stephens and the Mosque of the Internet, 2000 TERMS OF PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION The Mosque of the Internet grants permission to Islamic schools, organizations or Muslim individuals to download, copy, print, publish, record and/or distribute this story either for profit or non-profit without reimbursement to the Mosque of the Internet providing the following six conditions are complied with in full and without exception. The Mosque of the Internet owns and retains the copyright of this story and no other person/s, school, organization or individual etc., owns or has any right or claim to the copyright. No alterations whatsoever are made. Reference to The Mosque of the Internet with its internet address appears on the front cover. Should artwork be included in its publication the artwork must conform with Islamic principles, for example no drawings of human beings. The Mosque of the Internet is informed of its publication and ten copies of the published book sent to the Mosque of the Internet. If any of these conditions are not met then all previously mentioned permission/s are automatically revoked and legal action will be taken to the maximum extent of the copyright infringement jurisdiction law in the state of Delaware, USA will be sought. Labid, the Jewish sorcerer: There were several attempts on the life of our Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, by the Jews as well as the Koraysh. After the Battle of the Trench, a Jew from Khybar paid Labid, a Jewish sorcerer in Medina handsomely to cast a spell of deadly proportions on him. Labid collected eleven strands of the Prophet's hair, tied them into knots and as each knot was tied his daughters breathed upon them as they uttered devilish incantations. Labid then attached the knotted strands of hair to a twig that had the pollen of a male date palm on it and threw it into a very deep well. The only way to deactivate the spell was for each of the knots to be untied, however, the well would first have to be found and Labid was the only one who knew which one he had thrown it into. Shortly after this the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, started to grew weak and lost his appetite. He did not know what was causing this sudden weakness, so he supplicated to Allah for a cure. As he slept he became aware of the presence of two angels, one sat at his head and the other at his feet and they told him the reason for his illness and the name of the well. Not long after their departure, Angel Gabriel came to him and told him to recite two short chapters which contained eleven verses: "Say, 'I take refuge with the Lord of Daybreak from the evil of what He has created from the evil of the darkness when it gathers from the evil of blowers on knots; from the evil of the envier when he envies.'" Chapter 113 "Say, 'I take refuge with the Lord of people the King of people the God of people, from the evil of the slinking whisperer who whispers in the chests of people both jinn and people.'" Chapter 114 As the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, recited each verse a knot untied and his strength regained. As for Labid, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, called for him but in his mercy, took no action against him when he confessed that he had taken a bribe in exchange of his sorcery. Soon after the well was filled in and a new well was dug nearby. Khybar: Khybar was a Jewish settlement with many well-armed and fortified forts. For many years the Jews had been hostile toward the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him. A while before, it had been one of their tribesmen that had joined Huyay from the tribe of Nadir and succeeded to incited the Koraysh to rise up against the Prophet. Then again, in an attempt to ensure the Koraysh victory at the Battle of the Trench they had bribed the Ghatafan with the promise of one third of their date harvest in return for their support. There had been many attempts by the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, to draw up peace treaties between them, however, they mattered little to the Jews, who, after having agreed to them, broke them. Khybar was known to be particularly wealthy, and this in itself presented a source of danger to the existence of the Muslims as the Jews had already shown their ability and willingness to use their wealth against them. To ensure the future safety of the Muslims right to exist and practice their religion, it was evident that something had to be done about Khybar and so it was decided to quell their resistance. Al Hamdulillah, the Battle of Khybar was successful despite the formidable, well-fortified forts. Many of its inhabitants surrendered, some were killed and others taken captive. However, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, in his mercy, allowed many Jewish families to retain their homes and tend their famous date groves and keep some of its produce whilst arranging for a Muslim army to protect them as they felt insecure. However, there was the understanding that the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, could take the properties away from them if they started to rebel. The poisoned lamb: A Jew, by the name of Salaam, had been slain during the Battle of Khybar and his wife sought to take revenge. She knew that Prophet Muhammad, praise and veneration be upon him, never refused the invitation of anyone, so she invited him and his companions to a meal. In preparation for the meal, Salaam's wife slaughtered a lamb, then, as she prepared it, smeared it with poison, paying particular attention to its shoulders, as she had heard that the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, liked that part of the meat. When the lamb was ready she set it down in front of the Prophet who took a bite of the poisoned meat. Before he had chance to swallow it, the shoulder spoke informing him that it had been poisoned whereupon he spat it out and told his companions not to eat it. However, Bishr, Bara's son, who was sitting next to the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, had already swallowed a piece of the meat and died almost instantly. The Prophet sent for Salaam's wife and asked why she had poisoned the lamb, whereupon she asked who had informed him it was poisoned; the Prophet replied: "The shoulder." In reply to his question she told him that he must know the reason why she had poisoned the lamb. However, she continued saying that it was on account of her slain husband as well as her father and uncle. Then she told the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, that if he had been a king she would be better of without him, but on the other hand, if he was a Prophet then she knew the poison would inform him. Once again, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, showed mercy and took no action against her. However, from that year up until the time he passed away, at the same time each year, he would suffer on account of a tiny bit of poison he had swallowed. The last illness of the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him: Each year on the anniversary of the attempt to poison the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, he would suffer from its recurring effect and its time had come around once again. It was either the morning after his visit to the cemetery or a morning shortly thereafter, that the Prophet experienced an intense headache, the like of which he had never experienced before. Despite his headache, he went to the Mosque to lead the congregation in the dawn prayer, then climbed the pulpit to supplicate for blessings upon those martyred at Uhud. Then he said: "There is a worshiper among the worshipers of Allah to whom Allah has given the choice between this world and that which is with Him. The worshiper has chosen that which is with Allah." Abu Bakr, who was in the congregation, was deeply affected by the Prophet's remark and began to weep. He knew that the worshiper the Prophet referred to was none other than Prophet Muhammad, praise and veneration be upon him, and that he would not be with them for much longer. As Abu Bakr wept, the Prophet knew he understood what he had said then spoke with comforting words saying: "O people, the most merciful of men to me in both companionship and generosity is Abu Bakr. If I were to take from all mankind an inseparable companion, it would be Abu Bakr, but companionship and brotherhood in belief is ours until Allah unites us in His Presence." Several homes had been built on to the external wall of the Mosque, and like the apartments of the Prophet's wives, had doors opening into the prayer area. As the Prophet glanced around the Mosque he instructed all the doors, except that of Abu Bakr, to be walled up. Before descending from the pulpit the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, spoke once more saying: "I go before you, and I am your witness. Your meeting with me is at the Pool (Kawthar). As I stand here, indeed I see it. I do not fear for you on account of reversion to idolatry, rather, it is the world I fear for you if you seek to vie with one another for its gain." Then the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, left the Mosque and returned to the apartment of Lady Maymunah. The Prophet's headache worsened as the signs of fever appeared, but after having rested for a while he went briefly to Lady Ayesha's apartment to let her know he was unwell. Lady Ayesha was also suffering from a headache and said as the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, entered: "Oh my head!" Whereupon the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, said: "No, Ayesha it is indeed my head." The Prophet looked at her gentle face to see if perhaps she too was suffering from a life threatening sickness, but could see no sign. Whereupon he said: "Would that it might be whilst I am alive, so that I might ask forgiveness for you and supplicate for mercy upon you, then shroud and pray over you, then bury you." Lady Ayesha had never heard the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, speak like this before and when she looked at his face she could see he was very unwell, but tried to make light of the situation and brought a smile to his face. Then he repeated: "No, it is indeed my head," and returned to Lady Maymunah's apartment. Lady Ayesha heard the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, say when he was in good health: "A Prophet never dies until he has been shown his place in Paradise, and is then given the option to live or die." And when she learned of the Prophet's brief sermon that morning she knew he would not be with her for much longer. Despite the worsening of his illness, Prophet Muhammad, praise and veneration be upon him, continued to lead his congregation in prayer. As his sickness intensified he offered the prayer in the sitting position and told the congregation to do likewise. The Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, became so weak and exhausted that when he returned to the apartment of the wife in whose turn it was to stay asked: "Where am I tomorrow, and where the next day?" so his wife told him. She sensed that he wished to be in Lady Ayesha's apartment and called her co-wives together who went to him saying: "O Messenger of Allah, we have given our days with you to our sister Ayesha." The Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, gratefully accepted their loving kindness and with the assistance of Abbas and Ali was helped to Lady Ayesha's apartment. Osama: Before the Prophet had been taken ill, he gave instructions that Osama, although still young, should lead the next expedition, however, when news of his illness reached Osama the preparations were put on hold and some expressed their lack of confidence in Osama's ability to lead. As the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, lay feverishly ill in Lady Ayesha's apartment, he felt the necessity to confirm Osama's appointment. He asked his wives to bring seven skins of water, each from a different well, and for the water to be poured over him. Lady Hafsa fetched a tub and he sat in it while the water was poured gently over him to reduce his fever. His wives dressed him and wrapped cloth around his head, and with two of his companions supporting him, he went into the Mosque and sat down upon the pulpit then said: "O people, dispatch Osama with his army. You question his leadership as you questioned his father's before him, yet he is worthy to take command, just as his father was." Then, with the help of his companions he was assisted back to Lady Ayesha's apartment and preparations for the march resumed and Osama led the army out of Medina, but such was his worry about the Prophet's condition he ordered his army to strike camp three miles outside Medina. Abu Bakr leads the prayer: It was time for the next prayer to be offered but the Prophet's condition had deteriorated to the extent that he felt he was no longer able to lead the prayer, not even from the sitting position. He told his wives to ask Abu Bakr to lead the prayer. However, his daughter, Lady Ayesha, feared her father would be greatly distressed if he was asked to lead the prayer on behalf of the Prophet, and said: "O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr is a very tender-hearted man, his voice is not strong and is given to weeping when he recites the Koran". Then she suggested that perhaps Omar should lead the prayer. However, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, insisted upon Abu Bakr. Lady Ayesha glanced at Lady Hafsa to try to enlist her help, but the Prophet would not hear of it, so Abu Bakr led the prayers. His visitors: Lady Ayesha and her co-wives comforted and tended to the Prophet's needs as best they could and when visitors entered they would often find him with his head cradled upon Lady Ayesha's lap or propped up so that he rested against her. When Lady Fatima, the Prophet's daughter came to visit him they withdrew so that they might share some precious time alone together. Osama's return to Medina: Osama could not bear to leave the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, in such condition so he returned again to Medina to visit him. As he entered the room he found the Prophet conscious but too ill to speak. Osama bent over him and kissed him, whereupon the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, raised his hand, with his palm facing upward in supplication for blessings upon him. Then, it was as if he emptied the supplication upon him, and Osama felt it would be the last time he would see the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, in this life and left with great sadness to return to the camp. The next day, Monday 12th of Rabi 1, the Prophet's fever eased, and although he was extremely weak he summoned all his energy and was assisted to the Mosque by Thawban and Fadl. The dawn prayer had already begun and when the congregation realized he was amongst them they were overjoyed. As he saw them at prayer his face shone with great happiness that prompted Anas to comment later on: "I have never seen the Prophet's face more beautiful than it was at that hour." Abu Bakr, who was leading the prayer, sensed his presence and so without turning his head, stepped back for the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, to continue its leadership. However, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, placed his hand on his shoulder and nudged him to resume whilst he seated himself by his side and offered his prayer with him. After the prayer, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, remained for sometime in the Mosque and the congregation rejoiced as they thought his condition had taken a turn for the better. Soon after Osama, who was so very worried about the Prophet's condition, returned to Medina yet gain and was overjoyed to see that he was able to pray once again in the Mosque. The Prophet told Osama: 'Go, with the blessings of Allah." Whereupon Osama greeted him with peace then took his leave with a cheerful heart and ordered his army to resume the march. Fadl and Thawban helped the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, to return to Lady Ayesha's room whilst Ali and Abbas followed them, however, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, was tired and so they did not stay long. As they left the apartment, anxious inquirers asked after the Prophet's health, whereupon Ali replied: "Praise be to Allah, he is better." However, Abbas had noticed a certain look upon the Prophet's face and told Ali: "By Allah, in three days, you will be governed by someone else. And by Allah, I feel that the Messenger of Allah will die from this sickness, for I know the look of death upon the face of the children of Abdul Muttalib." The time for departure: The throes of death were evident upon our beloved Prophet's face, praise and veneration be upon him, as he dipped his hand into a jug of water then rubbed his wetted hand over his face as he uttered the words: "There is no god except Allah, death has it agonies." Then he slept for a while. As he awoke for the last time he gazed upward towards to ceiling and raised his hands saying: "O Allah, with the highest companion," until he could no longer raise them as the angels gently took away his very precious soul. Immense sadness descended upon the household and his wives began to weep as, with loving care, Lady Ayesha laid his head down upon the pillow and covered him with a cloak. The last Prophet and Messenger of Allah, praise and veneration be upon him, had passed away at the age of sixty-three. A time to lay the Prophet to rest: It was time for the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, to be laid to rest, however, the companions were uncertain how they should best prepare him, for he was not to be treated like ordinary men. Then, Allah in His Mercy caused a deep slumber to overtake them in which each heard a voice saying: "Wash the Prophet with his garment upon him." When they awoke they told each other of the voice and were happy to know that they had all heard the same instruction, so they went to Lady Ayesha's apartment where he lay to give him his final bath. When the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, passed away he was wearing a long woolen robe, so they wetted it. Then, Ali gently rubbed his hand over it and as he did he said: "Dearer than my father and my mother, how excellent you are in both life and death." To all who attended him, the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, appeared just as if he was sleeping peacefully. The matter now arose as to where he should be laid to rest. Some thought it should be near the graves of his daughters and his son Abraham, whilst others were of the opinion that he should be buried in the Mosque. The matter was resolved when Abu Bakr told them that he heard the Prophet, praise and veneration be upon him, once say: "No Prophet dies except he is buried where he died." Whereupon a grave was dug in the floor of Lady Ayesha's room near the bed on which he lay. All praise and glory and thanks be to Allah, the Most High, who, in His Mercy sent to us our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may the praise and veneration of Allah continually pour upon him, in such magnitude of quality and quantity throughout all eternity in ways He has made known to his worshippers and in ways in which He alone has knowledge. Ameen ---- This is a brief extraction from the Mosque of the Internet's production of the Seerah,, which is released in the FREE Islamic Interactive College on the same site.